Relationships are profoundly significant, helping us lead fulfilled lives. But, they require work and dedication to create a strong foundation that can withstand challenges. Couples therapy isn’t just for couples in despair or on the brink of breaking up. There are moments when you need to actively work on your communication and allow your partner to understand you. Couples therapy can help you resolve conflicts and cultivate an enriched relationship where you can grow together.
Common Areas Explored in Couples Therapy
Communication Strategies
Communicating effectively takes work. You’ll learn the strategies necessary for effective communication that promotes harmony and understanding.
Boundaries & Respect
Building boundaries (not walls!) can be healthy and often necessary to ensure respect is given and your emotional well-being is protected.
Conflict Resolution
Screaming and fighting aren’t effective modes of communication. Learn how to resolve conflicts through constructive dialogue and negotiation.
Heal Past Pain or Trauma
Unresolved and unheal past pain or trauma may be affecting your relationships - start the healing process by doing deeper emotional work.
Couples therapy can be intense
while also being dynamic and fun.
Let’s face it - relationship counseling isn’t a walk in the park but you’re not here for an easy fix, right? Couples therapy takes work from all parties. Sometimes couples will be in their own individual sessions so further assessments can be done. In some cases, individual sessions may be what’s needed to reduce the temperature in sessions so we can work towards having conjoint sessions.
We’ll work together to make sure everyone feels heard, understood, and connected.
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